about firefighters List

The Place to find trade professionals who are also your local first responders

Meet Matt & Maria

the founders of Firefighters List

They live in Norfolk, VA with their beautiful daughter. Matt was a volunteer firefighter for 12 years in upstate NY. He is now a local Firefighter/EMT for the City of Norfolk, since 2004. He has a lawn company with his wife, Maria since 2008. Maria was a 911 dispatcher in the City of Norfolk and a Volunteer EMT in the City of Virginia Beach, until she had their daughter in 2008. With their history of being local first responders and the need people have for finding service providers – Firefighter’s List was born.

This is our Mission


Help people find local first responders businesses.


Provide a place for local first responders to advertise.


Create a positive community.


To grow our community throughout the nation.

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